CLEMIF, Tor Vergata, Rome
BSc in business and Economics, Tor Vergata, Rome
Journals Indexed in EconLit
Associazione italiana di scienze regionali (AISRe)
Scienze Regionali
European Review of Economic History (ideas/repec)
Economic History Review
Economic History Society
Explorations in Economic History
Journal of Economic History (jstor)
The Human Mortality Database (HMD)
Economic History Services (
John Rust (a must for computational economists)
Tommaso Proietti (time-series, trend/cycle decompositions, unobserved component models)
Gianni De Fraja (official web page, Univ. Nottingham)
Gianni De Fraja (very nice web page, many useful links)
Stefano Fenoaltea (for those interested in economic history)
Gianni Toniolo (for those interested in economic history)
Brian A'Hearn (for those interested in economic history)
Estimating World GDP, One Million B.C. - Present (J.B.DeLong)
Robert's Stochastic thoughts (Who is Robert?)
Giovanni's web page (Who is Giovanni?)
Salvatore's web page (Who is Salvatore?)
Franco Peracchi (detailed notes on regression and panel data)
Giuseppe De Arcangelis (international economics + many useful links)
When historical data need to be converted from pdf to Excel (or other editable format), the following links can help:
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